Experience transformative intensive couples therapy at the intersection of science and connection with our Gottman Informed Couples Brainspotting sessions. Guided by the renowned Gottman Method, we integrate neuroscience and targeted Brainspotting techniques to help you and your partner navigate challenges, enhance communication, and build a resilient foundation for lasting love. Discover a unique approach that goes beyond traditional counseling, unlocking the power of your relationship's emotional and neurological potential. Invest in the vitality of your partnership and embark on a journey towards deeper understanding, connection, and shared joy. 



Couples Brainspotting therapy is a relatively new approach to relationship counseling, but it is quickly gaining momentum in the counseling community. 

The therapy is focused on educating couples about The Gottman Method. Brainspotting is incorporated to help identify and release the emotional blocks that are impeding their relationship's growth. Couple therapists use bilateral music that stimulates both sides of the brain to help couples reach a deeper level of processing. They then use these emotions to create a more profound sense of connection and trust between the partners.


One question that most people usually ask when they hear about Gottman Informed Couples Brainspotting is, "does it work?" The answer is a resounding yes! Many couples have reported success with this form of therapy, and it has transformed their relationships. Gottman Informed Couples Brainspotting focuses on the research proven techniques of The Gottman Method, while incorporating Brainspotting, which includes using eye positions during therapy sessions. Where you look affects how you feel. Using these tools and targeting these areas, while you process conflict, gets you past the content and to the root of your relationship issues. This leads to enhanced feelings of safety and security in relationships. 



  • What is Brainspotting?

    Brainspotting is a therapeutic technique that focuses on identifying and processing emotional and psychological issues. At Crossings Health it serves as a valuable tool in couples counseling, enabling partners to delve into their inner worlds, uncover unresolved traumas, and enhance self-awareness. It's an effective way to address relationship challenges and other personal concerns.

  • What is The Gottman Method?

    The Gottman Method is a couples therapy approach developed by psychologists John and Julie Gottman. It focuses on strengthening relationships by improving communication, understanding, and conflict resolution skills. The method is evidence-based and incorporates research findings on what makes marriages successful.

  • Does The Gottman Method work?

    Yes, The Gottman Method is considered effective for many couples. It is based on extensive research and aims to help couples build stronger, healthier relationships by addressing communication patterns, emotional connection, and conflict resolution. However, the success of any therapy method can vary depending on individual circumstances and the commitment of the individuals involved.

  • Is Brainspotting safe?

    It is natural to wonder if Couples Brainspotting is safe for couples, and the answer is yes. This therapy is safe and effective when administered by a qualified therapist. Couples Brainspotting techniques are designed to be low-risk and non-invasive, which means that patients are unlikely to experience any adverse side effects. In fact, many couples find that they experience a sense of relief and improved relationship quality after undergoing Couples Brainspotting therapy.

  • How does Brainspotting work with couples?

    Brainspotting can be particularly effective in Couples Counseling. It allows both individuals to explore their emotional responses and triggers, gaining a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives. The ultimate goal is to foster stronger and more empathetic connections between partners.

  • What is the benefit of combining The Gottman Method with Couples Brainspotting?

    Combining The Gottman Method with Couples Brainspotting can offer a comprehensive approach to relationship therapy. The Gottman Method focuses on communication and emotional connection, while Couples Brainspotting involves accessing and processing emotions stored in the brain. Together, they may enhance emotional regulation, deepen understanding, and promote healing within the relationship by addressing both cognitive and emotional aspects. The benefits include a more holistic approach to couples therapy that integrates both psychological and physiological aspects of the relationship.



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